We're on a mission to be the most sustainable surf brand on the market

Here you'll find the all the information about our sustainable fabrics, ethical production, plastic-free packaging: all the ways we're making cool clothes without exploiting people or the planet.

You shouldn't have to choose between having style and saving the environment.

We know that the fashion industry is inherently bad for the environment. But fashion is an integral part of who we are and how we express ourselves. We believe that we shouldn't have to choose between style + saving the environment. We are revolutionizing the surf industry through radical transparency and commitment to the environment in everything we do- no matter the cost. Because let's face it, sometimes we just want a dope new tee or sweatshirt... and if we're going to buy things anyway, we believe they should never exploit people or the planet.

Sustainable Fabrics

Ethical Production

Non-Toxic Production

Plastic-free supply chain

Any questions or concerns?

Part of our mission to become the most sustainable surf brand on the market is radical transparency and openenness with our community. If you wave any questions or concerns about anything related to sustainability, ethics, or just want to say hi, please email us at hello@saveoursurf.co